Basic design

Basic design

The conceptual idea for the plant takes shape as the functional details are defined. It is the second step in the design of the concept.


  • In close cooperation with the customer, Bioengineering develops a User Requirement Specification (URS), which specifies all design requirements of the plant or system.
  • This User Requirement Specification forms the basis for a detailed quotation.
  • The process and the functional requirements are defined in minute detail, and Piping & Instrumentation Diagrams (P&IDs) are drawn up.
  • A part of the Design Qualification (DQ) can be completed in this phase.
  • Meetings for evaluation, examination and approval of the plans are scheduled to personally discuss the project progress in this phase.

The following documents are generated during the basic design as part of the User Requirement Specification:

  • P&IDs with technical details for all system components and subassemblies (ventilation, exhaust air, metering, harvesting, etc.) including the pipe dimensioning.
  • Project quality plan with details on the project communication, project documentation, change procedures, quality requirements (in terms of materials and surfaces), listing of all relevant standards, test plan, and responsibilities for the various qualification stages (DQ, FAT, SAT, IQ, OQ, PQ).
  • Supplier directory for all machines, components and instruments.
  • Construction drawing of the vessel with a list of valves.
  • Automation architecture with definition of the system configuration, interfaces and software packages.
  • Responsibility list for the entire project process.
  • Pipe grade specifications.

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